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Draft your edits will autosave but will not be visible in Flows until this Flow is published.

Step Settings

Allow external submissions When enabled an external user will be invited by email to fill out a step
Step contains sensitive information When enabled, the only people able to view the results of this step will be the ones explicitly assigned below in "Users and Teams authorized to view this step"
Step must be claimed When enabled and a team is assigned below, team members will be prompted to claim the step to assign this step to them. If not enabled, any member of the team can work at the step concurrently.
Next Step After Submission By default the workflow will continue to the next step in the workflow but you can choose to “jump to” an alternate step after submitting by selecting it in the drop down menu below

Step Assignees

Step assignees can only be teams by design. If you only want a single user to respond to this step you can create a team and add only that user to the team.

Step Assignees

Assigned Teams


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